Welcome all to the wonderful world of BongTVLive.com, a 24/7 Live interactive party channel with daily live reality show featuring your host Bong Rip, lead singer/ lead drummer of The World Famous "Marijuana The Band". Bong Rip is also the leader of The Stoner Army World Wide, the biggest unorganized organization on earth, with over 100,000 soilders strong. With a combined total of 70,000 myspace friends, 10,000 stickam friends, and daily show hits of 15,000 strong, thats kicking some serious ass for someone on their own. Bong TV LIVE is seen in every country, and has been featured on 97.1 The Conway & Whitman Radio Show in Los Angeles, The L.A Times, The O.C. Weekly, Canadian television prime time news, and in Skunk Magazine. As well, we are always on the tops of High Times Top 40. Bong TV LIVE is the pioneer of interactive online TV.
Let me take you back in time a bit. 2001, April 20th, Marijuana The Band is Born. 2004, The Bongline is born, a pot info hotline hosted by Bong Rips cell phone and the first Southern California pot leaf laced advertisement placed in the O.C Weekly, and little ad in L.A Weekly. These ads stuck out like sore green thumbs at a time when advertisement with marijuana leafs didn't exist. Day after day, Bong Rip educated a minimum of 50 people a day from both counties on how to get med slips, recomending good doctors, and pharmacies (at the time there where only 2 dispensories in LA County and zero in The O.C.). Even after getting caught with under an ounce of weed and a valid med slip in 2005, Bong Rip continues his activist efforts day and night. Bong Rip spends $50,000 of his own money from 2004 till 2007 advertising The Bongline number and educating people till finding out that the courts are going to come down on him for his marijuana arrest because of his activism. The police weigh his marijuana in the containers to show a combined weight of around 3 ounces. 3 years later in 2008 they finally weigh the marijuana without the containers to find that it's under an ounce. Bong Rip spends 1000's of dollars to defend himself, 2 years of court, and ends up with 2 years unsupervised probation. A small price to pay for turning on the population of Southern California to the benefits of purchasing their medical marijuana legally through dispensories. Now we have around 1000 dispensories in California and almost half the U.S. States have a medicinal marijuana program.
2006 September 11th, Bong TV LIVE is Born. Live daily at 4:20pm California time, Bong Rip goes live in his limo with all the bongs, pipes, and enough different strains of high grade medical marijuana to make the richest of Rock Stars jealous. Usually cruising the california coastline by day, and Hollywood by night. You might have seen such celebrities in Bongs limo such as Big Black from MTV's 'Rob and Big Show" some of the "Jackass" crew are seen in Bongs limo as well as misc. famous musicians and skaters. The show was an instant hit on the internet circuit and has been viewed by milions world wide. This is TV that you can actually talk to, and it talks back to you. Bong TV LIVE gives you advise, put a smile on your face, makes friends, and keeps you company when your all alone. You never know what you'll see at BongTVLive.com, as it's a pg13 show on the edge of total craziness 24/7. This is the biggest online party on earth!!! Also home of The Stoner Army World Wide. See Bong Rip live on www.BongTVLive.com daily from 4:20pm Cali. time till 4:20am. Remember, Bong TV LIVE is a privalige, not a right. Be respectful please or the army will boot you. We have the coolest, smartest people on earth here on a
daily basis.
The Stoner Army World Wide was started after the first month of Bong TV LIVE's start. Now with over 100,000 soldiers world wide with internet savey capabilities, we can take over anything we want on the internet at any given moment. For entering BongTVLive.com you become a private. For getting on cam or talking with Bong Rip you can become a sargent. You become a captain for doing a mission or being proud to medicate with your medicinal marijuana on cam. You are made a major for doing something major in the efforts of promoting Bong TV LIVE or helping in the fight for the legalization of marijuana. The highest honor is to be made a General of The Stoner Army. We also have The Stoner Government World Wide. You will be made a senator for your humanitarian efforts in the chat rooms for doing such things as hosting the rooms, or helping the newbs out. Ultimate honor to the humanitarians in the chats is to be made a Govenor of your state or country. What do the ranks get you other than respect? Anything captain and above gets you all access VIP at any 'Marijuana The Band" or "Bong TV LIVE" event/concert. major and up will get you a possible ride in Bong Rips limo live on BongTVLive.com, doing it like a Pot Star.
So in short, Bong Rip, Host of Bong TV LIVE, and the leader of Marijuana The Band and The Stoner Army World Wide saves millions of people from being busted with marijuana by educating them to get med slips and to LEGALIZE marijuana. United the world of stoners and regular people to build a better world. And educates as well as entertains people with his music and personality daily no matter where he is, via "high" technology. A true pioneer and leader, Bong Rip has unselfishly given himself to the world to make life better for all people no matter what color, creed or belief.
BongTVLive.com, we're bigger than a nuclear bomb....
BOOM!!!!!!! Internet GOLD!